Martinelli returns from Disney World for Carnival visit

President, Ricardo Martinelli, who left Panama for Disney World during most of the Carnival celebrations, made his return to the capital on Tuesday, March 8, to meet the “dear people of Panama on the Cinta Costera.
On his Twitter account, he said: "The Carnival in Panama has been unforgettable."
The president, who returned from his trip to Orlando, made a tour of the crowded coastal strip, to witness the end of four days of partying.
During the tour, with Tourism Authority chief, Salomon Shamah, Martinelli said he was pleased with the organization and told local media that the Cinta Costera could continue to be used for future carnivals.
Shamah had earlier described the carnival as "successful" but , anticipated avoiding its organization in the future. It was a decision, he told TVN, that would be handled by the Cabinet Council. {jathumbnail off}
Shamah said that there was no significant damage to the green areas of the Cinta Costera, and that $50,000 had been earmarked for repairs. Confetti littering the site was a problem, and would be banned at the next event.