Panama near bottom of corruption scale plans anti-corruption school

On a   corruption scale of 1-10 ( one being bad) Panama has hovered at 3.6  for five years, with no change registered during the current government mandate.

In mid-August, over two years after taking office  with a campaign based on “change”,  the government plans to launch  an anti-corruption academy in cooperation with the United Nations.

The center, will be located at the headquarters of the National Council of Transparency Against Corruption in Ancón, and will train public servants.

It will be funded with $650,000 and "The instructors will be experts from international agencies who are experts in fighting this scourge," said Anti-Corruption Secretary Abigail Benzadón.

Carlos Lee, president of the Citizen's Alliance For Justice, believes that the problem is not  lack of training but a lack of enforcement,

"Nothing will happen unless we see ministers or heads of institutions arrested for embezzlement or misuse of public funds," said Lee