Homecoming drivers papered with traffic tickets

As the long post-carnival haul back to Panama City began on Tuesday, March 8, the National Police were busy issuing souvenirs in the form of traffic tickets.
By early afternoon, 2,828 offenders were clutching tickets,earned over the weekend, many of them after being involved in one of the 220 reported cases of collisions, and that figure is expected to climb. {jathumbnail off}
Over 121,000 people had fled the city for revels in the Interior, and the ride home is not likely to be a swift one for most, although hundreds did not believe that speed kills, and managed to collect speeding fines in spite of the traffic density.
Official reports list the towing of 411vehicles, 355 of them cases after the drivers were booked for being drunk in charge of a vehicle.
The Transit Authority reported of 29 injured in traffic incidents and one motorcyclist was killed.
Up to noon Tuesday there were six deaths from different causes, away from the holiday routes.