Education Ministry to dodge pre-audits for another year

Having two former education ministers charged with corruption in the repair of schools had not led to the tightening up of controls. Instead they have been eased.

Lucy Molinar

Comptroller Gioconda Bianchini has extended the pre-audit exemption for the Ministry of Education for an additional year, to March 31, 2012.

Panama's Minister of Education Lucy Molinar said that the decision "gives me more peace of mind," and will speed up repairs to schools.

Current  Minister of Education Lucy Molinar whose two predecessors were charged, said that the decision "gives me more peace of mind," and will speed up repairs to schools. {jathumbnail off}

The decision means the ministry does not have to submit budgets of proposed projects for review by the Comptroller's Office.

It has been criticized by both teachers and a former comptroller, Alvin Weeden. described the decision as "unacceptable" and said it weakens controls meant to prevent corruption.