Panamas biggest ever carnival exodus

Panama city recorded its biggest ever exodus of vehicles heading for the interior on Friday and Saturday, at the start of carnival.

The national transport authority  recorded nearly 40,000 vehicles passing through La Chorrera on Friday and more than 70,000 on Saturday, an  overall increase of  40,000 over the record setting total in 2010.

The authority reported few problems with the increase in traffic, although on Friday there were massive traffic jams in the city caused by preparations for the city’s carnival located on  the Cinta Costera , leading to the closure of three westbound lanes on Avenida Balboa

One person was killed in Colón where a person was killed when two vehicles collided in Las Margaritas and four people  were injured in a traffic accident in Penonome.

 Police using “pele police hand held monitors were out in force checking licenses, and several arrests were made.