Walking, talking, and breathing in a jungle in the heart of a city

Out and About
with Dra Lourdes Quijada
"Walking", for many of Panama’s citizens, comfortably off enough to own a car, means the long hike from the parking lot to the shopping mall.

Doctors advise that we should walk,  at least half an hour a day, as a way to stay fit and one step (or maybe a few more) towards fighting the affliction of the millennium — obesity.

Now a local wake up call that will help you on your way to a new lifestyle, without waiting for 2012 New Year’s resolutions.

Walk for Life – A Celebration is an introduction to a way to improve your health and appreciate nature.
Brought to you by LatinCaribe Wellness Network and FitCuisine and endorsed by Parque Natural Metropolitano the event will be held March 27, 2011 from 7:00– 10:45 a.m. at the park only five minutes from downtown Panama.
The park, known as the lungs of the city is the only tropical forest in Latin America within a city boundary. It is a favorite haunt of the Audubon Society and allows visitors to have recreation, boost their environmental education, and health, all without damaging the flora and fauna.

It will also help you understand the words of the poet W.H. Davies, when he wrote:

What is this life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.

Walk for Life is geared to youth ages 16 years and adults 60 or more years of age, who are in relatively good health and can walk the 45 minute trail. For the more active there will be a brisk fitness walk led by Lorraine Washington, while the less active and/or nature lovers could opt for the guided nature walk.
As readers of Newsroom’s medical correspondent, Dr Eric Ulloa, will know ,obesity around the world, is fast becoming a significant cause chronic illness and death.
Fitness Specialist, Lorraine Washington will be flying in from New Zealand to participate in the event and She is also part of the production team that will stage Feria Volcan Verde Integral 2011 in Volcan, Chiriqui, April 15 – 17, 2011 at the Mercado Horticola y Artesanal de Tierras Altas. .”