Condom distribution to fight AIDS during Carnival but no government help

If you thought Panama’s upcoming Carnival (March 4 -8) was just dancing, singing and getting soaked with fire hoses, others take a different view.

The anti-AIDS organization Fundación Probidsida is planning to distributing more than 15,000 condoms to promote safe sex. but the government, which  is spending over $1.5 million on the event, has opted out.

They would be handing out more but they have run out of money and the country’s Ministry of Health is not supporting the organization's efforts.  

Orlando Quintero, director of the foundation,  said that the agency ran out of money to buy more condoms which, he said, are key to preventing the spread of AIDS. Since the first case of HIV was detected in Panama in 1984 there have been 10,974 reported cases.

A Ministry of Health official said it will have kiosks in shopping malls to  provide information about HIV/AIDS during Carnival.
Carolina Freire said that the government spends between $50,000 and $100,000 annually on condoms that are distributed to hospitals and health clinics, but added that it is the responsibility of individuals to decide to use them.
