Grey power and anti mining protesters blocking roads

Panama’s government is facing road closures across the country from two sources – those against the changes in the country’s mining code and retirees demanding pension increases.
The bridge across the Changuinola River, in Bocas Del Toro was closed on Thursday, February 17 for the third successive day. The retirees said they feel cheated by this government and especially by the president,vRicardo Martinelli.
The pointed out that during the election campaign Martinelli promised a pension increase during the first months of his administration. After 20 months they have received but multiple promises, but no increase
Pensioners, wielding grey power, also closed the road opposite the CSS hospital complex on Transístmica in Panama city.The four panels are the busy road blocked by protesters who have even danced on the site.
The Bocas group closed the Pan American Highway to the bridge over the river Changuinolafrom 10:00 a.m. and planned to stay until 7 p.m.
Magdalena Gutierrez, secretary general of the Inddpenedent Association of Retirees and Pensioners said that they had planned to lift the road block at 2 p.m., but as there was no response from the Executive Branch retirees they decided to maintain their vigil until 7 p.m.
The closure has affected freight carriers and tourists traveling to Costa Rica, and other transit routes.