Pirate taxi passenger raped and robbed

Panama’s National Police issued a warning On Thursday after a woman who got into a "pirate taxi” was raped and robbed.

The unlicensed taxis cruise the streets of Calidonia and vicinity, picking up scores of passengers, anxious to get home from work to areas like Arrijan. The drivers charge around one dollar a passenger, and the cars are usually jammed.
The alert was issued after a 23-year-old woman living was threatened with a gun, taken to a brothel and assaulted. The brothel was in El Limón in La Chorrera, The alleged rapist also stole seven dollars and a cell phone from the victim before fleeing.
Police reports say that she got into a gray, two-door vehicle, with no license plate, on Calle 25, Calidonia.
The driver was described as a man with "Indian traits."