NIMBY carnival gets $1.5 mullion from taxpayer purse.

The Carnival that no one wants in their backyard, and that President Martinelli said would receive no more government funding will be alive and well in Panama, for four days, starting March 5, and with $1.5 million of taxpayer money to help it along.
The Panama Tourism Authority (ATP), led by Salomón Shamah, has been named as the responsible entity for organizing the 2011 Panama City Carnival.
"We believe that $1.5 million dollars is sufficient. Last year we did it with $300,000, so this budget is more than enough," said Shamah.
No decision yet on where the carnival will take place while thousands flee to the interior, and residents near Cinta Costera prepare to oppose the use of the multi million dollar park and exercise strip as a a site for a bacchanalian noise fest.
The Ministry of Health has warned that no water dousing of dancing spectators will be allowed this year.