Polygraph tests for prosecutors and calls for ouster of Attorney General

“Bonissi and his henchmen must leave now,” was one of the increasing number of calls for the ousting of Panama’s acting Attorney General Guissepe Bonissi.

A major scandal allegedly involving organized crime, continues to cloud his fiefdom, and pressure is mounting for President Ricardo Martinelli to appoint a permanent successor to the man he named in February to replace Ana Matilde Gomez.

President Martinelli installing  Guiseppe Bonissi ... now asked to replace him

Bonissi’s latest move to counteract the public outcry, was to announce on Wednesday (December 22) that he has ordered the posts of current district prosecutors and ombudsmen to be reclassified as “interim” to allow time to verify whether the government officials have relationships or associations with organized crime.

All members of the Public Ministry will be subjected to a polygraph test, coordinated with the National Police director.
A special committee will be assembled to analyze the files of each and every prosecutor and ombudsmen in the current administration of the Ministry.
Meanwhile in a meeting at the National Bar Association, where participants assessed his performance and the recent corruption scandals involving a move to free four suspected drug traffickers calls for his removal increase/

The Citizens Alliance for Justice, Citizens' Assembly, he Crusade for Peace, the National Bar Association and the Popular Party (PP) asked publicly that the government appoint a permanent Attorney General who Has the "moral and professional requirements for the position "- through a process that includes citizen participation.
In a statement signed by both civil society organizations, a demand was made for an investigation of allegations of corruption and alleged infiltration of organized crime in the prosecution and the judiciary, once the Attoney General is named. {jathumbnail off}
The Crusade for Peace went further calling for the removal of the Bonissi Executive. And the PP president Milton Henríquez and secretary José Ramos said that "Bonissi and his henchmen must leave now. "