Attorney General has own fix on Bocas Del Toro deaths

While Panama’s ombudsman believes that as many as seven died in the Bocas del Toro disturbances and the investigation committee, appointed by the country's  president, listed four, the Attorney General recognizes only two.

Guiseppi Bonissi

Guiseppi Bonissi made his comments after members of the investigating committee, set up by President Ricardo Martinelli, presented their report,  which concluded that, in addition to Smith and Castle, two people may have died from effects of tear gas launched by the police.

 Bonissi said on Tuesday, November 9, that the investigation was aware of only two deaths Antonio Smith and Virgilio Castillo, the same as officially recognized by the Executive.

Committee members Roberto Troncoso Bonissi, Aníbal Galindo, Julia Suira and Ruben Castillo said: "We will submit this evidence to prosecutors”
"Officially there are two dead. We are not aware of any more, "said Bonissi

Troncoso, spokesman for the commission, said that the deaths of Ruben Santos Becker Liandro Abrego and Breabu must also be investigated and he requested the exhumation of two bodies.

He said that the commission will remain vigilant to ensure that the conclusions of this report are taken into account.

The ombudsman’s report says that in addition to Smith and Castle, five children had died from tear gas inhalation.

The deaths came during demonstrations against the government's  omnibus Bill 30. Over 700 were injured, including two blinded by lead pellets fired by the police, and others partially blinded.