The last big bang for Oktoberfest 2010

Out and About with
Dra Lourdes Quijada
No, it’s not the Never Ending Story, because all good things do finally come to an end, even Oktoberfest at Panama’s Rincon Aleman.

The celebration of the 200th anniversary of the world’s biggest beer fest in Munich, Germany, has been going on  in Panama since mid-September but, Friday October 29 will truly be the last hurrah according to Mein host, Fritz Schmutte, who has forgiven Newsroom for an obituary published a couple of weeks back. As mark Twain said when a report of his death was published: "It was a little premature."
Fritz promises: "The festival will go out with a bang,"  and with the attendance of the Bombero band from Chepo, whose members have become skilled in rendering oom pa pa music, mixed with Panamanian foot stompers, his words will ring or bang  true.

It may also be your last chance this year to see your host in lederhosen, treading what those inclined to exaggeration might call the “light” fantastic.
Another additional attraction  is the tombola with a round trip ticket from Panama to Frankfurt aboard Condor Airline as the first prize. 
Rincon Aleman, which will be serving hearty German specialties along with copious drafts of ale, is on Calle 51, in Bella Vista, best reached off Federico Boyd.  So now you have it. Ein, zwei, upsa. {jathumbnail off}