A break from the gym to eat my way around the world

Out and About
By Dra Lourdes Quijada
My husband once liked to talk of a time when he and a group of touring tennis players, some of whom went on to win Wimbledon titles, dined out in Soho, London, every evening for a month, each time eating in a different nationality restaurant.

We recently put that one to rest in Toronto, once a meat and potatoes town, by doubling up on the meals, lunch AND dinner and eating in 30 restaurants in 15 days, each one providing food from a different country.
The taste buds were sated and I returned home to penance in the local gym under the stern eye of a nutritionist.
A happy Italian crowdPanama hasn’t quite reached that diversity level, although we are heading there, but on Thursday (September 2) I was able to eat sip and shop my away around the world, crossing some 30 culinary borders all under one roof and in one afternoon.
The occasion was the annual Caravana at the Atlapa Convention Center. I don’t know how they do it but each years ladies from the many embassies and consulates in the city, plus friends and supporters put together for just one day, a cornucopia of shopping and tasting experiences thar continues to draw huge crowds and provide support for local charities.
I always head first for the Danish stand to get a couple of month’s supply of Brie and Camembert at bargain prices and then drop by the USA stand to sample their specially baked flag cake.
Hiding my calorie counter in my purse and keeping a sharp eye out for the nutritionist I cross the border to Japan, get my sample of Sushi, and from there an easy hop to Israel, and Greece for some Mediterranean flavors.
My husband joined friends to test the German stand’s boast of the world’s best beers, and it’s challengers from Britain, Canada, Holland and more. Time for shopping in Austria, China, Russia, Switzerland Vietnam, Italy , the list goes on, and all backed by multi-national music song and dance performances.
And while country hopping, with no jet lag, you realize once again that Caravana is also a big social occasion. Hang around long enough and you will meet friends you haven’t seen since the last event, and others you meet daily. Why over there buying lottery tickets at the 

British stand is UK Ambassador Richard Austen; nearby sipping some unnamed beverage, Gerry D of the Breakfast Show, with his wife and feisty mom,( sipping another unnamed drink) and there surrounded by a group of loyal workers from the American Society is long time activist Dr Charly Garcia.
Fritz Schmutte mein host of Rincon Aleman, is checking prices (bargains) and flavors at the German beer stand, and Canadian Association president Enrique Williams is over there at the Canadian stand volunteering Joe Ennis and Bob Purviswith VP Joe Ennis alongside “Toronto Bob” Purvis who is gearing up for a cigar party at the Union Club. More, many more, some whose name’s I can’t attach to the face, but who give a welcoming “Como Estas” when they see me.

The pity is Caravana lasts only one day but when I reported to the gym scales the next day, it was probably just as well.
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