Zero to 190 kph in 6 seconds with no pollution visits Panama

From a standing start to 190 kilometers an hour in six seconds, no engine roar or exhaust emissions and more efficient than a gas driven car was a dream brought to Panama by a group of graduates from Imperial College London. on Wednesday September 1.

They were at Miraflores lock on the Panama Canal on Thursday, September 2, to show their achievment, Racing Green,    to a large media crowd, before heading for the city to battle with Panama traffic, diablos rojos and potholes, en route to a demonstration at the Technological University..
From drawing board to completion, took nine months, another speed record..The idea of 22-year old student Alex Schey to develop a battery powered “Racing Green” car inspired a group of fellow students to provide time, brain power and energy and to recruit a bevy of  sponsors ready to demonstrate to the automobile industry and the world that a clean and efficient replacement for oil fueled vehicles is viable.
The car they created on a racing chassis was tested in Europe and shipped to Alaska at the beginning of July. From Anchorage it was driven to Fairfax on the edge of the Arctic circle, to begin its  over 13,000 kilometer “demo run” to the south of Argentina. Notably, for the US oil industry and those who wish to carry our drilling in Alaska , the iconoclastic run began on July 4.
The route has already taken them over gravel roads, dirt tracks, super highways and Panama’s pot holes.
The team of five, rotate the driving duties, with the reserves following behind in a gas fueled wagon. There are  three English and two German participants ranging from 22 to 24 years. As the drivers are equipped with Formula 1 style racing helmets, and are sitting at a level roughly equivalent to the center of a truck wheel, it’s not surprising that they have already been stopped 23 times. by police.

Only in Mexico were they encouraged to donate to the traffic cop’s retirement fund, but they still have a couple of days to go in Panama.
So far the only mechanical problems have been two rear shock absorbers for which modified replacements were flown to Mexico City.Their biggest hold up on the journey was on the Panama-Costa Rica border,where  It took 8 hours to get clearance

 "Whether or not you believe in global warming” said one of the presenters,” the supply of oil is finite, and as supp[lies dwindle the price will continue to rise. A petrol (gas) driven car is 15;20% efficient. For every $100 you spend, you throw away $80. An electric car is 90% efficient.”
The Racing Green car has a 54 kw battery, which will take the car nearly 600 kilometers, at speeds up to 200 kilometers an hour before recharging.
Wherever they have traveled they have been met with wonder, surprise and approval, with the possible exception of Texas, where oil industry employees were less welcoming.
The building and development of the Racing Green dream came to an estimated $500,000, contributed in materials, design work and time by the sponsors. The students’ time was not included in the estimate.
After the media introduction the team left Miraflores to strut their stuff in Panama City and at the Technological University.

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