Mayor ignores step down advice and names a new management team

From the Sidelines

The captain of the Good Ship "Panama City" has finally announced the signing of a new crew to bring the ship safely into harbor. 

The previous crew were made to walk the plank on July 5, when they were blamed for the missteps of the Mayor’s office, after attracting criticism from all quarters, including the President and Vice President, who also happens to head the political party that pushed their man into office.
Mayor Bosco Ricardo Vallarino announced on Monday, August 9, the new team that he assures will “meet the goals outlined for the district capital.”
It is composed of Eliades Serrano (Secretary General), Nadgee Bonilla (Services Manager), Gonzalo González (Managing Director), and Rogelio Peralta (Legal Director), according to a press release issued by City Hall. Vicente Dúncan will assume the role of Assistant Manager of Sports, and Frank Lee will lead the Marketing Department as an  Assistant Manager.
Journalist Leo Alvarado will become the spinmeister for the staggering Mayor whose popularity rating is below 20 percent. Alvarado’sofficial title will be head of Communications
"The purpose is to comply with the goals of the short and medium term projects proposed by the Mayor’s Office to benefit all its citizens", said the bulletin  If that’s the first effort at spin, he has a hard time ahead of him. The public, and the president, are looking for substance. The spin they need in a trash strewn city is that provided when garbage is lifted into disposal trucks.
Vallarino made a public announcement onJuly 5 that a new team was in the works in an effort to improve the course of his administration. His entire management team was asked to step down.
Are the replacements part of the Forlorn Hope (the squad sent in first to storm a breech in the ramparts of a fortress, what we would call today a suicide mission)? {jathumbnail off}