National assembly skips protocol to slip in a law change

In spite of widespread protests against the 9 in one package of laws Panama’s National Assembly has again broken with normal protocol by passing a series of measures under a single law.
This time, the Assembly, during a discussion on proposed reforms to the National Secretariat for Disabilities, added a provision that reformed a law regarding the   Aquatic Resources Authority.
This was done so the Assembly could appoint Franklin Kwai Ben to be the director of the institution, replacing Diana Araúz.
Kwai Ben hadn’t qualified under the rules of the agency because he does not have a college degree. The Assembly amended the law to allow persons with substantial background in fishing or aquaculture.
The Assembly has come under intense criticism for passing the so-called "9 in 1" laws, which used a single act to reform nine laws, including environmental and labor laws. The outcry over these changes led to countrywide protests and demonstrations, including the confrontations in Bocas del Toro, leading to deaths, blinding and injuries for protestors.
which prompted the government to review the laws and seek more public input.