Some Cool benefits from six months of traffic snarls

If you are a regular commuter using the access road to the Centennial bridge, going towards the Rod Carew stadium, traffic hell is going to get a little warmer for the next six months, but there will be some cool benefits.
Gerry D will help pass the time during the daily snarlOver the weekend work started on repair and enhancement of the route including replacing slabs, fixing signage, and installing metal bars for driver safety.

The work, has already begun  to cause traffic congestion along the 20 kilometer stretch and that’s expected to last about six months. Authorities are inverting one of the opposite lanes during rush hour traffic to alleviate some of the traffic jams.
Gerry D who provides a Drive-in program in English on Cool Radio (89.3FM) Monday through Friday, 7- 9a.m.  including a Newsroom Panama   news bulletin, quipped: “Stay cool. with The Breakfast Show. Soothing music and news and views to pass the time."
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