Two heavily armed multiple murder suspects on the run in Bocas del Toro

The search for two murder suspects in Bocas del Toro continues. They are thought to be heavily armed. Previous theories that they had fled to Costa Rica, have been discounted and they are thought to be in the jungle in Bocas.

On the run are William Cortez  Reese and his wife, accused of killing at least two people, and possibly as many as seven, while living in Bocas del Toro. The search  is again focused on Panama.
Officials  said that the pair may be hiding in remote areas of Bocas, and may not have fled to Costa Rica as originally thought. Based on this information, authorities conducted a manhunt in Bocas yesterday.
Prosecutor Naphtali Jaén the fugitives may be be heavily armed, as they owned a pistol and an AK-47 assault rifle.
Jaén said that two indigenous people working for Cortez are missing, as well as the family of a New Zelander, named Mike Brown, whom was the first person to have a business contact with Cortez after arriving in Panama in 2008.
Cortez allegedly told people that he had purchased property from Brown soon after his arrival, and the family had left the country. Cortez also claimed that he purchased property from American Cher Lynn Hughes, whose body was found on the land where Cortez was living. Another body is  believed to be that of Bo Icelar.
In each instance, Cortez claimed the victims had sold him their property and then left Panama. It now appears that Cortez never purchased the properties, instead killing the inhabitants and then taking over their land.