Manhunt follows discovery of two bodies in Bocas hostel garden

While a local travel publication carries a headline “Good Weather in Bocas” Panama’s tourism and financial authorities are wondering what hit them.
Following the recent violent events in the  tourist  friendly province, leading to two deaths and over 200 injured, including up to 50 totally or partially blinded, rumors are now swirling around the uncovering of two bodies in the grounds of a local hostel.
A finance ministry director pointed out this week that Panama’s recent up grading by bond ratings agency was partly based on stability in the country, and the affects of the confrontations could cause a back lash.

Some have labeled the discovery as evidence of a serial killer on the loose. While this may be a tabloid rush to judgment the reports are certain to further tarnish Panama’s image as a stable environment, something already raising concerns in financial circles.
Police are searching for an ex-pat William Adolphus Cortez Reese, aka “Wild Bill” in connection with two bodies that were found on his property, Casa Cortez, in a tourist area of Bocas del Toro. The fugitive has been variously reported as being American, Danish-Mexicanand Dutch
The head of the Directorate of Judicial Investigation Javier Carrillo said that one of the bodies has been identified as American Cheryl Lyn Hughes, 50, who went missing earlier this year. The other remains have been sent to the Institute of Legal Medicine for identification. Hughes was the previous owner of the backpacker hostel, previously known as the Casa del Sapo
Police believe the other victim is either Bo Icelar or Mike Brown, ex-pats who have been missing for several months.
Local tabloids speculate that they were last seen in Chiriqui where recently a Danish yacht owner was killed, in an unrelated incident.
Prosecutor Naphtali Jaén confirmed the ongoing investigation. One report said that more than a dozen passports of missing people were found in the hostel