Martinelli mea culpa, promises high level commission into police action, increased pay, reconstruction

After meetings lasting more than six hours in Changuinola, Bocas del Toro, on Saturday, President Ricardo Martinelli issued a mea culpa for the deaths and injuries that resulted from confrontations between banana workers and police.
Along with a basket of promises including increased pay, compensation and reconstruction he announced he was creating a high level independent commission to investigate the clashes. He did not specify how the committee will operate or who will be on it.
The president put his hand several times in the chest and reiterated that he regretted the events that occurred. Official reports said two people were killed and over 200 were injured.
He was always accompanied by his ministers and some managers, who were armed with a string of promises. In addition, they distributed bags of food, toys and scholarships.
They promised, the investment of $ 50 million in infrastructure, housing as well as a health center and a swimming pool.
The Government also agreed to purchase the power plant to the company Bocas Fruit Company.
During an hour long meeting, with Genaro Bennet , secretary of the banana workers’ union he pledged to grant pensions to those affected by the unrest.
Another commitment made was to present a bill to allow banana workers to have a retirement plan and he announced the possible revision of the minimum wage in that region. The current salary of a worker is $1.24.
The news was received with reservations by the Association of Independent Banana Producers.Its leader, Luis Alberto Núquez, said employers are not able to assume these new costs of production.
The president also apologized for the "excessive force" used by police. At least two people were killed and hundreds more injured in the riots.
"We need to create a commission to examine the events and determine who was responsible," Martinelli said.
He was accompanied by a battery of government ministers but not those whose firing has been demanded: Labor Minister Alma Cortés, Public Safety Minister José Raul Mulino. Unions have also called for the resignation of Police Director Gustavo Pérez.
Meanwhile, a report by the Ombudsman’s Office has concluded that police did use excessive force against demonstrators.
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