Government acknowledges mistakes in the handling of Bocas crisis

The Government of Panama has acknowledged its mistakes in the handling of the crisis in Bocas del Toro which left two dead and more than 200 wounded last week.

Minister of the Presidency, Jimmy Papadimitriu, who often acts as an interpreter for the government’s agenda, admitted that there were flaws.

 "We regret what happened in the province of Bocas del Toro. This never should have happened.The Government has learned, a lesson but it had to restore peace and order to Changuinola "he said.

The clash between members of the security forces andstrikers of the Banana Workers Union left 52 wounded with buckshot in the eyes. Some workers have lost the sight of both eyes,others have lost one. The clash also left 33 police with injuries,but no loss of eyesight. Over 100 other strikers were treated for other injuries.
Most injuries occurred on the third day of clashes on Saturday July 10, the day commemorating the 24th anniversary of Panama’s black Friday, when the military regime of Manuel Antonio Noriega harshly repressed a demonstration by the Civil Crusade.

According to the records of La Prensa, on July 10, 1987 there were about 600 wounded, of which 150  resulted from   pellets. Of that total only three suffered pellet wounds in the eyes.

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