Strike three President blames media for Bocas del Toro problems

President, Ricardo Martinelli, on Thursday decided to shoot the messenger. He lashed out hard against the country’s media, accusing them of promoting "a campaign of disinformation" that triggered violent protests by banana workers in Bocas del Toro against Act 30, says La Prensa.

The protests led to two deaths, hundred seriously injured including at least 18 workers totally or partially blinded.
Martinelli called two morning television news, and said that the disinformation campaign is also being supported by "influential people who are upset with the government because they now pay taxes."


After the outbreak of violent demonstrations in Bocas del Toro, Martinelli first blamed the opposition Democratic Revolutionary Party for pandering to the banana workers.
Later, he blamed the Bocas Fruit Company for suspending the deduction of union dues to the workers.