Ngbe Bugle get public apology for Ministers derogatoryremarks

 Panama’s Vice Minister of the Presidency,Maria Fabrega,  has made a public apology to the Ngábe Bugle indigenous population for any member of the Government who has spoken  of them “ incorrectly”. 

Fabrega was trying  to re-assure  Rufina Deers,  representative of the indigenous groups in the National Coalition for Development.
Deer, during his speech at the plenary meeting of the Coalition, Deer said Public Security Minister, Jose Raul Mulino, referred to Ngäbe as "Indians."
He told the meeting that he rejected the derogatory way a minister of State referred to this population group during clashes between strikers and riot Bocas del Toro.
“They are not Indians but Ngäbe Bugles,” said Deer, who criticized the statements of the authorities. “They are literate people,  educated and capable of reasoning,” he said.
Other reports said that the demonstrators had been referred to as alcoholics, and drunkards.
The apology follows Education Minister Lucy Molinar apologizing for the “error of the police, for throwing a cordon round a hotel last weekend where union leaders and activists were meeting.
The police come under the umbrella of tough talking Security Minister Raul Mulino, who has also upset protesters with his statement that the  new jailhouse law, providing two tears in prison will be applied to those who block roads.