Security minister promises to use Jailhouse law against demonstrators

Public Security Minister, Jose Raul Mulino, said on Sunday that the National Police (PN) have been prudent in managing the crisis in Bocas del Toro, but that he will use the jailhouse law against demonstrators.

Raul MulinoMulino said, at a press conference that the police have been cautious because they were handling "hundreds of Indians." 

His version is in contrast to the assertions of the leaders of the strikers in Changuinola, who said they were mistreated.

On Sunday it was reported that some demonstrators who had been previously injured were detained by police, although they were not involved in or starting any acts of violence.

Mulino said the Construction workers union (SUNTRACS) in Chiriqui, Jaime Caballero was being investigated by prosecutor, Angel Calderon,
The prosecutor confirmed that there are similar actions underway against other leaders of guilds and unions.No names were released.

Earlier on Television he had issues a blunt warning: "Closing astreet is covered by the law and it will be implemented.,

Mulrino was referring to Law 14 of April 13, 2010, known as the "jailhouse law, which prescribes penalties of up to two years in prison for using violence to shut down streets and avenues.

He said that no one can affect the free passage of other citizens by the mere fact of wanting to protest.

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