Second worker killed during protests over governments sausage bill

A second worker participating in the protests against Act 30,  the 9 in one or chorizo (sausage) bill, has been killed in Changuinola, Bocas del Toro, Panama.
The director of the Changuinola, hospital Thusnelda Cruz, confirmed on Saturday that shooting was the cause of death
The victim was taken to the Emergency Room and then to the operating room, where he died.

Up to Saturday afternoon 123 have been treated in hospital in Changuinola of which 47 have been moved to Panama with severe eye injuries.
From Isla San Cristobal.An island between Isla Colon and the mainland port of Almirante a reader reports that the islands are already starting to be effected by the disturbances in Changuinola. “There were few tourists on the streets of Bocas Town this morning.The only gas dock for fueling boats was closed, the gas station in Bocas Town will be out of gas today.The towns’ generators run on diesel, and if they are not able to get fuel soon,its lights out. “