Thousands march in two parades to protest new laws

Tensions rose between Panama’s riot police and thousands of demonstrators as they attempted to march to the the Sheraton (Atlapa) hotel on Tuesday (June 29), but there were no clashes.
They were marching to protest law 30, the 9 in 1 omnibus bill and wanted to present a petition to the Summit of Presidents of the Central American Integration System.
Their march was blocked on Calle 50 bypolice who lined the road with vehicles and men in riot gear.
Along with members of the National Council of workers (Conato) marched representatives of environmental movements, women’s groups, doctors, dentists and health workers, students, teachers, and the General Confederation of Workers of Panama and members of the opposition Democratic Revolutionary Party and the Popular.Party.
The march ended ended with a rally with its leaders not ruling out a general strike to demand the repeal of the law.
The Conato leader Mariano Mena filed a complaint with the Office of the International Labour Organisation against the Act and the Panamanian government, claiming it not only violates trade union rights but also human and environmental rights
At the same time another parade of protestors representing workers, left Parque Porras for the Supreme Court to seek a ruling on complaints of unconstitutionality filed against Act 30.
Earlier in the day groups of university students demonstrated on Transístmica to protest the law.
The Popular Party filed an unconstitutionality lawsuit is based on the fact that the Assembly was specially convened to discuss a law on aviation issues, and the Constitution states that special meetings can only discuss the topics for which the Assembly was convened.
Milton Henriquez, President of the People’s Party claimed it violated the rules of procedure as to which committee should discuss the proposal.