Breakfast with Gerry D

Breakfast, the nutrionists tell us, is themost important meal of the day, but sometimes it lacks an early morning sparkle.Now, with the return of the much missed English flavor of the day: The Breakfast Show with Gerry “D”, the morning sparkle is back.
The show has been off the air because of some technical problems, but it is now back on 89.3 FM to accompany your morning cuppa, and whatever else takes your fancy from 7 to 9a.m, Monday to Friday.
The program is a eclectic mix of music, commentary, and information, with news each day around 8 from Newsroom Panama.
Gerry’s own acerbic one liners add that extra spice that you won’t find on any station this side of the UK… and it’s all in English.
Regular commentators include Sandra Snyder on Monday and Friday, Paul May, Thursday and Friday and Dr Computer, Alex Neuman Thursday
David Young will be bringing the news every day.
Terence Ford from the National Concert Society is an occasional guest with many more to give you the inside on life in Panama and to introduce personaliies who are making news.
You can also listen live in the morning on your computer and on your Blackberry, and the programs are archived for a week.
The link to the Breakfast Show is now
The Panama Broadast Corporation with Gerry D also produces the only news program in English broadcast on Sundays along with the best "Oldies" on radio in Panama.The program is on air from 6pm till 8pm Sunday evening on 93.5 FM, Radio Metropolis. It is also available on the web at {jathumbnail off}