What the papers say: Rights of the victim

La Prensa June 17
A judge has barred the media tfrom disseminating information regarding the identity of a teenager who was tried and acquitted by the High Court of Childhood and Adolescence in 2007

 and data relating to the case file. And the judge cited the Constitution, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Family Code and Law 40.

That is, the judge took pains to include all existing legislation to protect the identity of one teenager, whose mother is a senior official of the Supreme Court, ignoring the rest of young people who may be in similar circumstances. It is noteworthy that the court ordered the ban now, and even the archived file.when the case dates back seven years to 2003The fact and the process also werewidely aired in the media … In its prohibition, the judge  also referedvto the file, so you cannot even talk about one of the victims, one of them, of age. So who protects the rights of the victim?