What the papers say: A servile assembly

Hoy por hoy. La Prensa June 15
To whom does the President listen?

The bill called 9 in 1 has managed to unite such disparate groups as environmentalists, construction workers employers like the Chamber of Commerce and the Panamanian Association of Business executives against the Government, after its submission to the Assembly. For nearly a week, these organizations have been present in every radio, television and newspaper, and in each transmission of the sessions of the Assembly. They have asked and even prayed that this law is not passed, but nobody has heard a word.


Now, when we are totally astounded by the caliber of this government that feels disrespect for the laws and the Constitution, the Assembly has opened another heavy volume, another project to reform the tax code, decrees, and another group of laws (such as the Public Procurement and the Trust Fund). What was a reform to the Tax Code, which no minister wanted to submit to the House, became another legislative folly that Members will not hesitate to pass without even reading it. They are servile lacking  boldness and, daring because they pass so many legal absurdities.