Cuba helping to fight illiteracy in Panama

Cuban volunteers are helping to reduce illiteracy in Panama, said Social Development Minister, Guillermo Ferrufino on Saturday June 11.

He acknowledged the contribution consultants implementing the Cuban "Yes I can" program in the Caribbean that operates in some rural areas of Panama with the participation of a group of experts.

"Thanks to Cuba we have people who make this project possible," said the minister during the graduation ceremony of 633 residents of the province of Veraguas.

The Cuban ambassador in Panama, Reinaldo Calvic, highlighted the benefits of the joint program which involved specialists from both nations in order to eradicate illiteracy.He noted that his government is willing to continue cooperation in the education sector which has extensive experience recognized by international bodies like UNESCO
More than 56 000 underprivileged Panamanians have benefited from the program which includes a strategy to fight poverty.