Controversial laws approved by Assembly

A draft law on commercial aviation, amendments to the Labor, Penal and Judicial codes and six other laws were all approved in second reading by the National Assemblly on Friday June 11

This controversial project was supported, article by article, with 41 votes for and 16 against, despite fierce opposition from environmental organizations and members, and opposition MPs.

The second debate began at 9:35 am, amid criticism and discussion both inside and outside the National Assembly said La Prensa.

In full, the opposition MPs tried to delay the debate and stop approval of the project, proposed by the Executive, be approved. Meanwhile, outside were members of some 10 organizations (including MarViva, the National Association for the Conservation of Nature, the Flyers Panamanian Trade Union and Trade Union of Construction and allied Workers) who were prevented from entering the session.

The environmentalists Raisa Banfield, Alida Spadafora, Gabriela Etchelecu and Mario Wilson, of commercial fliers, and Genaro Lopez-workers said they felt frustrated and mocked by the imposition of this law.
They warned that if the initiative passes, third debate, they will go to a competent international court.