No France-Panama extradition treaty says French ambassador

The French ambassador to Panama, Hugues Goisbault, pointed out June 8, that there is no extradition agreement between Panama and France.

 Hugues Goisbault

His statement came after Panamanian authorities had asked France to extradite former Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega to fulfill sentences imposed here.

Noriega is being held in France while awaiting trial, for alleged money laundering. The trial is scheduled for late June.

Goishault said on TVN News that the matter is now in the hands of a French judge to decide on a response.
Panamanian Ombudsman, Ricardo Vargas, said that a delegation from Panama will travel to France to see the conditions under which Noriega is held in a French prison.
Noriega was extradited from U.S. to France in April after serving 17 years in a Miami jail. He is also facing trial in Panama over the alleged killing of a leftist activist
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