Committee to choose new Metro provider in 20 days

A government committee has been established to  make the final decision  on who gets to develop and manage the  Metro Bus system, after evaluating the three international proposals that have been received. Each company has Panama in its title.

.The main objectives of the committee are to assess the minimum requirements set out in terms of reference , and then move to the measurable aspects, which deal with the technical and economic aspects of  the proposals.

The committee is set to submit a report to the general director of the national transportation authority (ATTT) within the next 20 days,  outlining  the reasons and criteria that justify the selection of the company that will get he contract.

The report will be published on the Panama Compra website. The three international companies that participated in the bidding process are: Consorcio Metro Bus de Panamá, Grupo Express Panamá, and Transporte Masivo de Panamá. 

The new committee consists of   Jimmy Papadimitriu, Minister of the Presidency; Rómulo Roux, Minister for Canal Affairs; Federico Suárez,  Ministerof Public Works; Maruquel Pabón, member of the Transportation Executive Committee; José Beteta, public representative for transport users; Luis Rodríguez, public transportation provider;and Carlos Fernández, Panama Chamber of Commerce.