Prosecutor under investigation transferred to desk job

A prosecutor, who was involved in a traffic accident and is alleged to have pulled out a pistol and waved a bottle of alcohol has been transferred to the Legal Department of the Public Ministry (MP). 

News of the transfer of Mauricio Ceballos was released by  assistant prosecutor, Naphtali Jaén, and came in the midest of an investigation into the  involvement  of Cballos in a traffic accident while driving on May 20.
The accident occurred when Ceballos,38,, who was driving a gold BMW collided with a delivery truck in Carrasquilla. He is alleged to have pulled out a gun and a bottle of alcohol, and loudly announced his position as a prosecutor condition. He then took a taxi and disappeared from the site, says La Prensa.
Jaén said Thursday that Ceballos had reached an agreement with the family of the other driver, Felix Guerra, to cover his medical expenses and the family withdrew charges against the lawyer.