Glitterati gather for a grand French opening

Dining and Wining

Panama’s new “must visit”,  Salon de Thé, Café, Boulangerie, Patisserie, Restaurant, place to be seen or spoil yourself, is now fully operational … and busy.

La Vie en Rose,  named in honor of the legendary Edith Piaf had its official Grand opening on April 22, after a couple of weeks of tempting the taste buds with its  fresh from the oven croissants, pastries, quiche and salad offerings.

 On Tuesday, May 4, the restaurant proper swung into action and has been full each evening since. So if you plan to visit, call ahead and reserve. But please, if something turns up that stops you getting there, call and cancel. Too many restaurants suffer from no shows. In other countries some restaurateurs insist on a credit card number when you book, and a no show costs you.
Some 200 people of the local glitterati  were at the opening, with the official ribbon cutting ceremony performed by Panama’s First Lady, Marta Linares de Martinelli and French Ambassador M. Hugues Goisbault. The restaurant’s exclusive  imported champagne flowed liberally and the guests were feted with an Edith Piaf stand in while they nibbled delicacies and hors d’oeuvres  from a lavish buffet. Their palates sated they are now coming back for more. That’s why you need to reserve for evening meals, starting at 7.30 p.m.
To sample the true French ambience, croissants, patisseries, quiche and salads with a glass of Kir, or Kir Royale, drop by any time. You can also pick up baguettes, breads, and pastries all made in house.
La Vie en Rose is on Calle 77, the road leading from Calle 50 to the Sheraton Hotel. For reservations call 270 780.

For photos of  the opening click here. {jathumbnail off}