Citizen participation office launched

In an effort to "strengthen civil society participation", the Government has announced the creation of the Office of Citizen Participation.

This comes after denunciations from civil rights groups that they have been under attack from Government ministers and spokespersons.
The office will be a "space where every citizen can participate directly in opinions or events affecting the improvement of their communities and their lives," said a press release.
Minister of the Presidency, Jimmy Papadimitriu, said the new office would have two main arms.
"The first axis is a virtual platform where people will have access to current national documentation and where they can express their ideas and proposals, and ask questions on topics of interest," said the official.
The second is aimed at fostering collaboration between private enterprise, NGOs, civil society, and public institutions, with the end goal of implementing projects of community interest and encouraging rapid and specific responses to the country’s neediest communities.”