What the papers say: Panamas Mayor

Hoy por Hoy. La Prensa Apr 20 …The actions of the mayor of Panama, seeking a solution to the serious problem of garbage in Panama, show an inexcusable lack of knowledge of governance.
The recommendations made by the Ministry of Economy and Finance to stop the outright purchase of waste collection trucks, makes clear that the mayor overstepped when ordering a direct purchase instead of convening a public ceremony to choose the best offer.
This and other actions such as again hiring direct suppliers for the so called “holiday villas” reveal the limited knowledge possessed by officials of the Municipality of Panama in this area. Against this, one wonders about the criteria that prevail when making decisions on how more than $100 million of our tax money is spent by the municipality. These questions always generate suspicion, hence it is necessary that the mayor hire qualified personnel who can advise in situations like the present one and, above all, to help him manage as required by law.