Kiwanis provide necessities for country school

Out and about
Few expats have any idea how underserviced many Panamanian schools are, and members of civic organizations who visit schools for the first time are often shocked at the absence of even some of the bare necessities needed to help our much derided teachers, help children to build a better future.
It was heartening to receive this story from a very active Kiwani’s Club. If you want to know how to get involved, go to the end of this story, and make a phone call.
Smiles were the order of the day as 35 pupils at the La Tosca Elementary School in Torti received gift bags and kindergarten furniture from 18 members of the Club Kiwanis Canal de Panama.
The April 17 trip to La Tosca was the third visit to the school by Kiwanians this year. Each time they make an assessment of what needs the children might have, club members–most of them Panama Canal (ACP) employees — swing into action to fulfill the wishes of students, parents, and their teacher.
Three durable tables and a dozen strong chairs were delivered to the school, replacing torn folding chairs, or in some cases parts of a room with no tables or chairs. La Tosca is on the PanAmerican Highway between Chepo and the Darien provincial border, and has been built and maintained with the donations of work of many Kiwanis volunteers in recent years.
In addition to bags of snacks and small gifts for the children, a donation of softball equipment immediately got the kids into the sporting spirit and an impromptu softball practice took place in the schoolyard.
Along with the local Kiwanians, two special visitors from Kiwanis International–reporter Kasey Jackson and photographer Chris Hayworth were on hand to meet the children and record the activities. The visitors were hosted by the Panama Kiwanis Club whose members took them to the Kiwanis Sports City in Clayton (Ciudad Deportiva de Kiwanis), events of the Central American Games, and the Youth NFL Kiwanis Football Jamboree.
The service organization which is committed to serving children around the world, encourages former members from other countries, or like-minded individuals to join in their many community efforts.
Those interested in learning more about the Club Kiwanis Canal de Panama should contact Patricio Lyew at 6694 0364. {jathumbnail off}