International arms smuggling net moves to Panama

Four men arrested in a San Francisco apartment with an arsenal of weapons including an anti-aircraft missile, have been charged with trafficking in arms and ammunition.
They were found on Thursday (April 1) with 1000 packets of different caliber ammunition, five pistols a rifle with telescopic sight, tear gas, pepper spray, and the anti-aircraft missile, Authorities believe that the suspects form part of an international arms smuggling network that recently set up shop in Panama. It is headquartered in Colombia. At the end of March a former Panamanian police officer was arrested for possession of a grenade launcher and firearms.
Charges have been filed against three Colombians and one Panamanian who were arrested on Thursday night in the Terramar apartment building.
They were also found with $6,000 in cash, and a laptop computer with photos of several marked graves.
Panama police have asked Interpol, for information on the Colombians Virgilio Martín, 38, Norman Darío Cárdenas, 37, Robison German, 33. The Panamanian suspect is Efraín Quintero Jordán, 30.