Reader calls for write-ins to skyline advertisers

Readers continue to write in about what they call the “Dinosaur” or “Monstrosity”, on Avenida Balboa (The giant illuminated advertising sign erected near Paitilla).
A link to a story submitted by Rob Ralston is below. You may wish to comment further.
This is the latest comment from reader Laura Alexander:
I have tried several times to write my thoughts on this horrid sign, but the list of reasons as to why I feel it should be torn down are so long that my thoughts become a whole new article. So, I’ll just list the main points. It destroys what was once a beautiful skyline, not just from Balboa, but even from the causeway! It is an eye-sore, it is ridiculously large, ridiculously bright, dangerous for drivers and in turn, pedestrians because it is a worse distraction to drivers than using a cell phone (which is illegal because of this, so why isn’t the sign?), its intense light and colors are actually an invasion of privacy for those whose apartments face it, its existence grips me with fear that there will be more, thus removing all remnants of tranquility along Balboa forever. I’d like to suggest we all write emails to all of the businesses who are advertising on the sign and let them know what a negative impression their ads are leaving us with. Let’s come right out and ask them to stop advertising on it! Hopefully, they will start pulling their ads…We need Panamanians and Expats to unite on this!