Student input into disaster response debate

Few students have pocketfuls of money to throw around, but they do have an abundance of energy to share and have not been corrupted by greed and politics.
With this thought in mind a class of 70 students at the Panama campus of Louisville University, have converted a semester credit course into a program that will provide a young think tank on rebuilding challenges facing Haiti and preparing long term reaction strategies for future disasters on the American continent.
Under the mentorship of Business Administration professor Mark Scheinbaum, the students are preparing a one day conference: “United for Haiti … The American Response.”
Sixteen “delegations” from 14 countries and two NGO’S will present their solutions to resolving problems and chaos associated with natural disasters.
They will deal with the multiple challenges that arose from the massive shock in Haiti from quick response aid and rescue to coordination of relief services including, health, security, housing, food and reconstruction.
The “delegates” will be drawn from the participating students, with 16 teams, each team developing its own solutions to be put forward as the contribution of a country belonging to the OAS (Organization of American States), or teams representing the United Nations and the Red Cross.
At the end of the day a resolution summing up the ideas presented at the conference will be formulated , endorsed and forwarded to the ambassador’s of each country they have represented.
What started as a class project to improve research techniques develop organizational skills and enhance knowledge of the countries in the hemisphere, has become a trail blazer idea for other students..
The conference conclusions will be shared with schools and universities in Panama. to generate debate and encourage other young people to get involved and produce ideas.
The ambassadors of each country will be invited to the four hour conference on May 7 at a Panama venue to be confirmed.
As part of the exercise the students are involved in fund raising, seeking sponsorship from organizations and businesses with all surplus funds going to Haiti’s reconstruction.
So far they have the backing of the Lions Club and the University of Louisville along with commitments from some private businesses.
Companies or individuals wanting to help can contact
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