Construction workers in jail and police tear gas canisters start grass fires

Some construction workers have changed their building sites for a cell in the La Joya hell hole prison, following over 200 arrests during anti-government demonstrations on Tuesday (March 17).
The protests turned from road blocking by members of the construction workers’ union (SUNTRACS) to violent confrontations with riot police on Tuesday (March 17).
Both sides in the battle blame each other for the start of the conflict during which police used powerful water guns, batons and tear gas.
In the meantime SUNTRAC workers in the Yacht Club tower, under construction on Avenida Balboa, retaliated by dropping bricks on the riot police, injuring two and a passerby. The police entered the building and made arrests.
Police under instructions to ensure free traffic flow, have been accused of acting aggressively and seeking a confrontation, which has been vigourously denied by President Martinelli.
But the union achieved their aim of blocking traffic, as radio stations broadcast messages telling motorists to avoid certain areas, and traffic piled up on routes like Justo Arosemena, Federico Boyd and Calle 50, turning 10 minute journey’s into 45 minutes or more of gas consuming frustration. The new "intelligent" traffic signals failed to cope.
Some construction workers were reported by local media to haveset fire to areas of grass on the Cinta Costera, bordering Avenida Balboa.
Independent witnesses however told Newsroom that the tinder dry grass, that has not been watered for weeks, was set alight by police tear gas canisters
Tear gas intended to disperse the workers, forced the closure of a nearby school, and ambulances could not leave or enter the adjacent Sick Kid’s hospital while the conflict continued..
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