When stop means go

Anyone who had driven through Cinco de Mayo, knows that the pedestrian signals are merely decorations as the majority walk across when their sign is on red.
Not so bad as a taxi or diablo rojo jumping the lights , but the pedestian has no body armor.
Now theTransit Authority (ATTT), has recognized the problem not just in the plaza infront of the National Assembly but across thecity
The ATTT said that 66 pedestrian signals have been installed, including some designed especially for the blind with beeping signals (a total of 13).
Marcos Mora, of the ATTT said that traffic lights are to regulate vehicular traffic and save lives.
The sites with most pedestrian problems are: the intersection of Central Avenue and 17th Street (opposite the National Bank), Plaza 5 de Mayo and Avenida November 3, between the Legislative Palace Park and the Caja de Ahorros de Calidonia.
Citizen education is a must.