$11.5 million investment in trash collection produces garbage

The garbage problems of Panama continue to grow in spite of the expenditure of $11.5 million in the last 5 years to improve the service.
The money was spent during the time of former Mayor John Carlos Navarro who wanted to be president,and eight months of administration of Bosco Vallarino whose mishaps have kept citizens on edge since he took office.
Navarro’d administration invested $9 million for the purchase of 55 trucks that were tendered in 2005 and came three years later, in January 2008.
At that time there were 25 dump trucks and 10 compactors damaged. Today, the situation is the same says La Prensa.
On Monday, the administrator DIMAUD )the collection authority) Harmodio Montaner, the purchase and rental of equipment worth $ 2.5 millionto help improve trash collection. Of this amount, $ 340,000was used to rent for a period of six months, 24 dump trucks, four bulldozers, six trucks and two grid buses.
DIMAUDs chief mechanic Francisco Tuñón, explained that the vehicles are damaged because they work 24 hours, and damaged, spare parts are not available.
Despite investing millions on buying and renting, the problem of garbage accumulation persists.Daily collection is 500 tons. Five years ago 900 tons.
The secretary of the Association of Workers of DIMAUD, Hugo Romero, said that only three actions will help improve the crisis: the culture of recycling, 50 compactors, and proper maintenance of existing equipment.
To the crisis must be added the reports of thefts of parts for trucks says La Prensa. Mayor Vallarino, within days of taking office, said: "We know we have a mafia and we have to get them out of operation."
Eight months later, the City Mayor has not begun the research process.