Martinelli calls for unity as government increases promotional spending

With its popularity falling, and protests increasing the government has racked up promotional spending to restore its image.
The campaign was spearheaded by President Ricardo Martinelli, who issued a "call for unity" before heading off to Qatar and Israel on Sunday (February 28 (his eighth out of country trip since taking office.
In a statement he said "change cannot be made by me alone", and called on parents, church congregations, neighborhoods, and civic groups to do their part, as “the country is everyone’s responsibility.”
Some of the groups he addressed have been the most outspoken in their criticism of the concentration of power in the government, and of his traveling proclivity.
"When I expressed my concern regarding the transmission of adult soap operas during the early hours of the evening, I did not hear the voices of anyone backing me up on this initiative, which would change the schedule of these television programs that incite violence, gangs, and drug trafficking, and corrupt the morals and values of society," said Martinelli.
Last week, Minister of the presidency, Jimmy Papadimitriu, addressed the same issue, arguing that the president seemed to be standing alone when he called attention to the escalating violence rate in Panama.
"We are working hard to provide the Panamanian population with the education, security, transportation, and healthcare that they deserve. But we can not accomplish this alone,” said Martinelli.