Panamas judicial system faces OAS hearing

The way two supreme court judges were selected and the suspension of the country’s Attorney General will be discussed before a hearing at the headquarters of the Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington, U.S. during the 138th regular session of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR).
The hearing, to take place on March 23, was convened at the request of the Citizens Alliance for Justice and the Foundation for Due Process of Law (DPLF) by its initials in English), based in Massachusetts, USA.
Both the Alliance and the Foundation, who made the request for hearing on January 22 publicly questioned the procedure fused for the selection of two new justices on the Supreme Court. T
The Alliance also spoke out against the ruling of the Court suspending the Attorney General, Ana Matilde Gomez, and the appointment of Giuseppe Bonissi as her replacement, by the executive.
Panama¡s Foreign Ministry and was of the hearing, through the Ambassador of Panama to the OAS, Guillermo Cochez.
Vladimir Franco, director general of Treaties and Legal Affairs, said the Executive will "convene" the Public Prosecutor and the Judicial Branch to jointly assume the representation of Panama at the hearing.
On Thursday, the opposition Popular Party (PP) filed against the decision of the Cabinet to appoint saying the decision violated the Constitution.