Martinelli accused of secret deal with Columbia leading to three killings

President Ricardo Martinelli was complicit in the deaths of three suspected Colombian guerillas in Darien, according to former Panamanian prosecutor Rodrigo Miranda.
On Tuesdaym Feb 27, he said on radio station KW Continente, that the Jan 27 incident was the result of “secret agreements” between Martinelli and Colombian president Álvaro Uribe, which violate the constitution and affects the internal security of the country.
Miranda, who served as special senior prosecutor in the government of former President Guillermo Endara (1989-1994), said his complaint was based on the testimony of a member of the State Border Service.
The surprise attack was ordered by Lieutenant Antonio Leonel Espinoza Pimentel, whom he described as an "outlaw" in uniform.
An official said the suspected guerrillas belong to the 57th front of the Armed Forces of Colombia rebels (FARC) and were seen on board a (canoe) during a patrol in the villages of Balsal, Boca de Paya and Sobiaquirú on the border with Colombia.
Miranda said the incident was a "crime” involving Panama in military-style operations that concern the government of Colombia.