Walls keep a-tumbling at historic building.

Yet another wall of the historic Central Hotel, in Independence Plaza, in Casco Viejo has collapsed .
And once again there are cries for investigation from citizens concerned with what one described as “the vandalism of developers.”
Jaime Zárate, Director of Heritage of the National Institute of Culture (INAC), visited the site.He said he would closely inspect what had occurred with the historic structure, which, in 1997, UNESCO declared a World Heritage Site.
Hildegard Vásquez, Calicanto Foundation president, said the restoration work of the Promoter Inversur done bythe Arco Construction Company, is "a devastating intervention that has no respect for the country’s historical heritage."
She added that it is necessary to impose the penalties provided in existing legislation in protecting the historical heritage.
The hotel, built in 1880, is currently undergoing rehabilitation but during renovations the inside was completely demolished and historic relics destroyed, creating protests from many quarters.
Pro- development writers wrote “good news for developers” when the announcement of a $20 million renovation was made in 2007, with a completion date of 2008. And people looked forward to a revitalized piece of history.
One web site gushed: “Although run down and forgotten, it never lost its charm. Stepping inside that old style lobby opening to a wide foyer (full 4 story ceiling height) was quite an experience. The wooden balconies overlooking the lobby, the wood furniture at the reception and the mysterious map carved on the wall with fading blue and green colors all over it. You could almost see the ghosts of gentlemen walking around in white tuxedos and smoking cigars, taking their hats off to salute ladies with long skirts and umbrellas getting ready for a stroll.
“On the ground level it had a couple of commercial spaces and an original iron door elevator (European style). … the suites were luxurious.”
Now a few tottering walls remain.{jathumbnail off}