Panama throws wrench into Games program

Panama has thrown a wrench into the three country organization of the IX Central American Games by asking for a change of date.
The Games were to have been staged in three countries, Panama. Guatemala and El Salvador, with the opening and closing ceremonies set for Panama at Rommel Fernandez Stadium.
They were scheduledfor March 2-14, 2010, but Panama asked for more than a month’ delay until t April 9-18, because the athletic track was not ready-
The stadium wasexpected to be the site of competitions for soccer and track and field, as well as the opening and closing acts of the regional games.
On Thursday, Guatemala’s Olympic Committee (COG) withdrew from its role of hosting 14 of the – disciplines because of the date change which would affect the training schedule of Guatemalan athletes who are also slated to participate in the XXI Central American and Caribbean Games in Puerto Rico in July.
Following Guatemala, the National Sports Institute of El Salvador a country that was assigned seven sports, also dropped out, claiming that, without the participation of the COG, "it doesn’t make sense" to hold the Games.
That leaves the managers of the Olympic Committee of Panama and the Panamanian Institute with a knotty problem.